
at - a sign rainbow
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The word at (𐤀𐤕) means a sign” meaning any object, action, event, pattern, etc., that conveys a meaning.

The Paleo-Hebrew language or the original language of the Ābarayam is one spoken with an emphasis on the rauakh (breath, wind, spirit). With the language of the Ābarayam, each letter has a meaning and a number associated with it that adds meaning to each word they’re used with. Below you will be able to learn more about the letter in Ancient Hebrew, Yiddish Hebrew, Greek, and much more.

Letter Meanings

𐤀 (a) – ahOx, strength, leader
Prefix: Turns word into first-person
() – mark, sign, covenant, signature, identification of people, places, or things
Suffix: turns a word into the feminine counterpart of a masculine word.
Ābarayat Number57 = 1 (a) + 400 ()
Hebrew Gematria101 = 1 (a) + 100 ()
English Gematria126 = 6 (a) + 120 ()
Simple Gematria21 = 1 (a) + 20 ()

Based on the meaning of the letters the word could be defined as:

  • “Strength of a covenant”
  • “Leader of a covenant”
  • “Strength of a mark”
  • “Leader of a mark”

Definitions for 𐤀𐤕 / at


a sign, a portent.
beginning to end (Alpha and Omega)
with (denoting proximity), against, among, before, by, for, from, into, out of.
a plowshare, coulter.


an indication or omen of something about to happen, especially something momentous.

Hebrewאָתath or ethawth

a sign.
untranslatable mark of the accusative case.
with (denoting proximity).
a plowshare.


Images for 𐤀𐤕 / at

Definitions for 𐤀𐤕𐤉 / atay

When adding the 𐤉 (yad) to the end of a word, it creates a possessive of the original word. It can either signify “my…” or identify a member of a nation. For example, 𐤏𐤁𐤓 (Ābar) is the progenitor, but 𐤏𐤁𐤓𐤉 (Ābaray) is the singular descendant of him also known as a Hebrew.

Ābarayat 𐤀𐤕𐤉atayaw-tey

perhaps "companionable", an Israelite, also a Philistine
Ithai, Ittai


possessing the qualities of a good companion; pleasant to be with; congenial.


perhaps "companionable", an Israelite, also a Philistine


Images for 𐤀𐤕𐤉 / atay

Definitions for 𐤀𐤕𐤉𐤌 / atayam

When adding the 𐤌 (mayam) after the 𐤉 (yad) to the end of a word, it creates a plural of the original word. It can identify multiple members of a nation. For example, 𐤏𐤁𐤓 (Ābar) is the progenitor, but 𐤏𐤁𐤓𐤉𐤌 (Ābarayam) are the plural descendants of him also known as Hebrews.

Ābarayat 𐤀𐤕𐤉𐤌atayamawt-yawm



an implement consisting of a broad blade or scoop attached to a long handle, used for taking up, removing, or throwing loose matter, as earth, snow, or coal.


Images for 𐤀𐤕𐤉𐤌 / atayam

Definitions for 𐤀𐤕𐤉𐤕 / atayat

When adding the (tau) after the 𐤉 (yad) to the end of a word, it creates a plural of the original word. It identifies the language or a sign of a nation’s existence. For example, 𐤏𐤁𐤓 (Ābar) is the progenitor, but 𐤏𐤁𐤓𐤉𐤕 (Ābarayat) is the language of him also known as Paleo-Hebrew language.

Ābarayat 𐤀𐤕𐤉𐤕atayatawt-yawt



pertaining to or dealing with morals or the principles of morality; pertaining to right and wrong in conduct.


Images for 𐤀𐤕𐤉𐤕 / atayat


You can continue your studies of the words by viewing Strong’s entries for:

  • Arauakah Ābarayat #467
  • Strong’s Hebrew #852
  • Strong’s Greek Concordance #

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