
m - mayam
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Acceptable ways to write it: mayam (mym)

The letter mayam (𐤌) or M/m is the thirteenth letter in the Afroasiatic language known as Paleo-Hebrew (Ābarayat). The letter has been equated with the letter M in the English language. The letter is widely accepted as only having one English equivalent in pronunciation and function.

The Paleo-Hebrew language or the original language of the Ābarayam is one spoken with an emphasis on the rauakh (breath, wind, spirit). With the language of the Ābarayam, each letter has a meaning and a number associated with it that adds meaning to each word they’re used with. Below you will be able to learn more about the letter in Ancient Hebrew, Yiddish Hebrew, Greek, and much more.

Letter Meanings

𐤌 (m) – mawater, chaos, mighty, liquid, massive, sea, blemish
Prefixfrom, of, from inside, than, more than, without, because of, due to, for
Suffixthem in feminine form.
when preceded by 𐤉 (yad) creates a plural of people.

Based on the meaning of the letters the word could be defined as:

  • “water of…”
  • “chaos of…”
  • “mighty of…”
  • “from…”
  • “without…”

Definitions for 𐤌 / m


water, chaos, mighty, liquid, massive, sea, blemish

EnglishM mm/ˈɛm/

the thirteenth letter and the tenth consonant of the modern English alphabet.

Hebrewמ םm/m/



place, thing, being

GreekΜ μm[m]

the twelfth letter of the Greek alpha-beta

Images for 𐤌 / m

History of Meaning

The pictograph of the word is of waves and symbolizes something massive, like the ocean, something in chaos, or indicating: to come from, as water in motion. When it is the first letter of a word it can be a prefix and has more than one meaning, i.e., the preposition “from or than” or can indicate the participle form of certain verbs.

However, when it is the last letter of a word, following the yad (𐤉), it creates a plural of the object it is attached to. For example, Ābar (𐤏𐤁𐤓) is an individual who would become the progenitor of many nations. However, an Ābaray (𐤏𐤁𐤓𐤉) is one individual who is from the tribe of Ābar. Lastly, an Ābarayam (𐤏𐤁𐤓𐤉𐤌) is multiple people from the tribe of Ābar.

History of the Letter M

The letter M was introduced in 1800 BCE (2125 ). By 800 BC, the peaks became zigzags and the structure was made horizontal — our “M” in sound and appearance. Curious forms occur in the various Italic alphabets, including Umbrian, Oscan, and Faliscan. The rounded form appears in the uncial writing of the 5th or 6th century. The cursive hands of the 6th century show a different rounded form that is based on the Carolingian.

The sound represented by the letter has been from the beginning the labial nasal. Of all sounds, the nasals are least liable to change, a fact that is reflected in the consistent history of the letter.

Definitions for 𐤌𐤉 / may

When adding the 𐤉 (yad) to the end of a word, it creates a possessive of the original word. It can either signify “my…” or identify a member of a nation. For example, 𐤏𐤁𐤓 (Ābar) is the progenitor, but 𐤏𐤁𐤓𐤉 (Ābaray) is the singular descendant of him also known as a Hebrew.

Ābarayat 𐤌𐤉maymey

"who?", any man, he, him, O that! what, which, whom would to God


(of a person) of what character, origin, position, importance, etc.




Images for 𐤌𐤉 / may

Definitions for 𐤌𐤉𐤌 / mayam

When adding the 𐤌 (mayam) after the 𐤉 (yad) to the end of a word, it creates a plural of the original word. It can identify multiple members of a nation. For example, 𐤏𐤁𐤓 (Ābar) is the progenitor, but 𐤏𐤁𐤓𐤉𐤌 (Ābarayam) are the plural descendants of him also known as Hebrews.

Ābarayat 𐤌𐤉𐤌mayammaw-yawm

waters, water, waste, wasting, watering, course.


a transparent, odorless, tasteless liquid, a compound of hydrogen and oxygen, H2O,


waters, water


Images for 𐤌𐤉𐤌 / mayam

Definitions for 𐤌𐤉𐤕 / mayat

When adding the (tau) after the 𐤉 (yad) to the end of a word, it creates a plural of the original word. It identifies the language or a sign of a nation’s existence. For example, 𐤏𐤁𐤓 (Ābar) is the progenitor, but 𐤏𐤁𐤓𐤉𐤕 (Ābarayat) is the language of him also known as Paleo-Hebrew language.

Ābarayat 𐤌𐤉𐤕mayatmaw-yawt

Images for 𐤌𐤉𐤕 / mayat


You can continue your studies of the words by viewing Strong’s entries for:

  • Arauakah Ābarayat #2728
  • Strong’s Hebrew #
  • Strong’s Greek Concordance #

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